Thursday, February 16, 2012

The 'War on Religion' is a Scam

Jon doesn't actually say that in this clip, but he doesn't have to.  Anyone with half a brain can see that the alleged 'War on Religion' is a ruse contrived by the right to motivate their ultra-religious base against Obama.  If you're paying attention you should be able to see through the fog that is the so-called debate on health care - most meaningful discussion is buried beneath a massive pile of political rhetoric, half-truths or outright lies - and recognize that this is about race, and I don't mean a political race.  I mean the race of our president.  When they conjure up imagery of the Nazis, and in their scenario the Democrats are the Nazi party which would make Obama Hitler, they're obviously trying to paint themselves as victims.  It's called role reversal.  Rick Santorum has been trying to use it lately, too, by attempting to sell himself as a victim of bigotry and intolerance form the Left.  It's all bullshit designed to distract us from what's really going on.  The Right is terrified that Obama will be elected to a second term, which would give him the time needed to manage the current upward trend in the economy and probably ensure the election of another Democratic president in 2016.  Anyway, here's Jon.  Enjoy!

Oh, and my favorite line from this is: "You've confused a 'War on Religion' with 'Not Always Getting What You Want'."  You're spot on, Jon.

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