Friday, April 27, 2012

ACLU: Death Threats Are Protected Free Speech

Three 8th grade girls were recently expelled from Griffith Middle School in Northern Indiana for posting death threats on Facebook.  According to news reports the girls exchanged the names of classmates they would kill if given the chance and how they would kill their potential victims.  The mother of a child named in the posts learned of the online exchange and printed and shared the statements with school officials, which ultimately led to the girls being expelled for the remainder of the school year.

To read the story as reported by click HERE.

Enter the ACLU... I'm not a right wing anti-ACLU nut job - in fact, I usually find their advocacy for the little guy's civil rights comforting - but this time they've gone over the edge.  They're actually claiming that because the girls used emoticons and 'LOL' in their posts it is obvious that they were joking and therefore the posts are not real threats; and because the posts are not threats they are free speech and protected by the 1st Amendment.

Seriously?  I mean, seriously?  Are they really suggesting that you can threaten anyone and get away with it as long as you insert in a couple of LOLs and stick a smiley face on the end of the threat?  I'm struck speechless by the absurdity of the idea.  It's void of common sense!  Wake up folks, not all speech is protected!  Making a threatening statement, whether it's in person, over the phone or in writing, is at least intimidation and harassment, and depending on the laws in your city or state could very well be considered menacing, too.  These little idiots should be thankful that formal charges were not brought against them!

Whether the girls were joking is irrelevant.  Their actions represent a clear and obvious violation of the school's code of conduct (say nothing of the law), and for that they must be held responsible and accept the consequences of their poor choices.

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