Saturday, March 31, 2012

"Overpiggers Anonymous" ~ Reynolds Unwrapped

A scene that's unfolded in every chain restaurant boardroom across the country...


(Oh, in case you didn't notice, THIS BLOG DOES NOT GENERATE REVENUE, so in no way do I benefit form anything posted on the blog.  Everything appearing in this blog is nothing more than free publicity for the owner.)


Dan Reynolds said...

While I appreciate your appreciation for my humor, all my work is copyrighted and in order to use my work (as this is how I make my living), you would need to obtain a usage license from me.

If you desire this, please contact me at

If not, I'll have to insist you remove it. I understand you got this from the SYRACUSE NEWS TIMES, however, that, in no way, infers any other use outside of the newspaper. You would have to pay for a usage license from me in order to consent to use it on your site.

Dan Reynolds said...

You said,
"(Oh, in case you didn't notice, THIS BLOG DOES NOT GENERATE REVENUE, so in no way do I benefit form anything posted on the blog. Everything appearing in this blog is nothing more than free publicity for the owner.)"

What does that have to do with anything? You were using an image that was not yours. Free/not free - has nothing to do with it. Surely, you must understand that.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dan Reynolds -
I think his/her point is that he/she was giving you free publicity and rather than saying "thank you for investing your time to promote my work, an act for which you will receive absolutely nothing", you told him/her to pay up or take down. Don't get me wrong, I see your point, too (cha-ching!); but I personally would have been a little more grateful to a fan that wanted only to share your work with the one or two people that read his/her little blog. Instead you came off as ungrateful; and through today's unsolicited remarks you come off as snippy. I'd expect a guy that makes a living selling humor to be a little less angry.
- A Casual Observer