Friday, July 6, 2012

"New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms" My Ass!

Gov. Andrew Cuomo June 25, 2011
How dare a group call itself "New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms" when its goal is to deny equal protection under the law for a specific minority? Their purpose is patently un-American. I am so irked by conservative groups with misleading names trying to force their 'divine' code of ethics and morals on everyone else. The US Constitution ensures that I cannot be forced to live under the rules of their cult, I mean religion. If they want religious rule then they should move to the Vatican, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia... there are plenty of options available to them.

Well today the Appellate Division of State Supreme Court in Rochester, NY handed these so-called freedom fighters (sorry, had to stop and laugh because that's so not what they are) a defeat by ruling closed-door negotiations among senators and gay marriage supporters, including Gov. Andrew Cuomo, did not violate any laws.

Read the story HERE on